Stealth Mode Predator! AVP: Requiem Series 3
A Neca anunciou a segunda figura da terceira série Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Action Figures, agora é a vez do Predator invisível!
O Stealth Mode Predator
é feito com um plástico translúcido, com pulsos de eletricidade, dando a
impressão de que ele está usando a camuflagem como no filme Aliens Vs.
Predator: Requiem.
O Predator é altamente articulado e vem com vários acessórios também camuflados em Stealth Mode.
O medonho Open Mouth Predator foi a primeira figura anunciada da Aliens Vs. Predator: Requiem Series 3.
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The other clearish figure isn't an exclusive - he's a regular part of Series 3. Stealth Mode Predator, as he's called,
is a smokier plastic than the Mid-Cloak exclusive: the entire body has a faint brown tint. It's particularly noticeable when you see him next to his super-clear
buddy. Again, the skulls, armor and dreadlocks are all the same
translucent mixture. His eyes are a pearly white, and he looks like he
has random lines of electricity arcing across his body.
This paint scheme is movie-accurate, surprisingly. The Predator's
camouflage unit got damaged or he was trying to use it in the rain or
something, and this is what we saw. The sparks are alight blue, a
different color than his eyes, and there's even a drybrush of blue in
some spots to bring up the details. This is a nice way of portraying a
fully cloaked Predator